Our aim is to make it easier for home buyers in Ireland to assess the value of a house they are interested in, based on nearby sales.
There is a lack of transparency in the Irish housing market, our goal is to address this by presenting publicly available data in a clear and user-friendly way.
The source data comes the Residential Property Price Register which is produced by the Property Services Regulatory Authority (PSRA). It includes Date of Sale, Price and Address of all residential properties purchased in Ireland since the 1st January 2010, as declared to the Revenue Commissioners for stamp duty purposes.
It is important to note that the Register is not intended as a "Property Price Index". It should also be noted that if the property is a new property, the source price shown on propertypriceregister.ie is exclusive of VAT at 13.5%.
proper.ie includes the VAT amount of 13.5% on the price of new properties.
This data is an excellent resource but suffers from a lack of consistency with regards to how it is recorded. A large part of what proper.ie does is to take this data and attempt to reshape it using Data Science tools (python, pandas etc.). This gives it structure and allows us to provide more detailed insights.
Please Note: If you have any comments, questions or notice errors in the source data, please contact the Residential Property Price Register directly -
The material on this website is for general information purposes only and does not constitute any form of advice. You should not rely on this information to make (or refrain from making) any decisions. Always obtain independent, professional advice for your own particular situation.
These were the areas with the most sales in January: